I’ve heard that squeezing sebum out of your pores can be bad. Is it really that bad?
AskAcne: Acne treatment Together Latest Questions
I’m not sure if I should try to treat my acne or just leave it alone. Is it okay to leave acne untreated?
I’ve heard that blackhead suction tools can help get rid of blackheads, but I’m not sure if they really work. Are they worth trying?
I’ve got these blackheads on my nose that are driving me crazy! I’m tempted to just squeeze them out, but I’m worried about making it worse. Is it really that bad?
I’m so desparate for some help with my acne. I really need some advice on how do you get rid of stage 1 acne? because it’s driving me mad! I’m so over this acne, I just want it to go ...
I’m worried about scarring, so I’m wondering if popping pimples will leave marks. Is this a common occurrence?
I’ve got some blackhead holes on my face, and I’m worried that they will fill back up. Is this a common occurrence?
I’m so tired of this bacterial acne! Will it ever just disappear?
I’ve got a cyst on my face, and I’m wondering if I can just pop it like a pimple. Is this possible?
I’m trying to find a way to make my pimples go away faster. Is there a quick fix for acne?